Outbound e-Mail Security and Delivery - SMTP, Security and Delivery - Server-Locked 4 IP

  • Unmetered/mo Sending Emails
  • ~ Per 1000 Emails
  • 300/Hour/Sender
  • SMTP Users
  • Unlimited Domains
  • Unlimited Senders
  • Send from up to 4 Servers
  • Additional Servers (Can send from) +$49/mo
  • Outbound & Transactional Emails available
  • Complete message logs (Spam/Virus/Bounced/Deferred) available
  • Spam Filter(AI, Filters and RBLS) available
  • Compromised email account detection and blocking available
  • Phishing detect and block available
  • Username + Password in minutes
  • Cancel anytime

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