Upcoming new release, new speed Resolved
Priority - High Affecting Other - Global

Hi everyone,

We want to thank you for your continued support and trust in us. Throughout the challenges we've faced, including cyberattacks and other issues, we've worked hard to overcome them and ensure everything is resolved.

Your support motivates us to continually improve our software, optimizing and upgrading our systems to serve you better.

We’re excited to update you on an upcoming release for Mailbux and the IMAP server. This update will significantly improve loading speeds, especially for large email accounts (40GB+), addressing some of the speed concerns you've reported. We aim to release this update in the next two weeks to a month.

Thank you again for your patience and trust.

Best regards,
The CloudWish Team

Login Issues Affecting Mailbux and Branded Hostnames Resolved
Priority - Critical Affecting Other - Global


We are aware that some users are experiencing issues with logging in or adding new sessions, either on Mailbux.com or through the branded hostname. We are actively working to resolve this issue.

In the meantime, you can log in via the following link:



Thank you.

Cyber attack on our servers Resolved
Priority - Critical Affecting Other - Global

Hello everyone,

We hope this message finds you well. Over the last 24 hours, our systems experienced a major cyber attack, which included a significant DDoS (Distributed Denial of Service) and other malicious attempts on our servers. We are pleased to inform you that our team, in collaboration with a leading cybersecurity company, has successfully resolved the issue, and all systems are now fully operational.

Rest assured, no emails or data were lost or compromised during this incident. Your data and communications remain protected by robust security measures, which we have further strengthened following this event.

We apologize for any inconvenience this may have caused and appreciate your understanding during this time. Your trust is important to us, and we are committed to ensuring the highest level of security and service moving forward.


Thank you,

CloudWish Team

Scheduled maintenance Resolved
Priority - High Affecting Other - All servers


As part of our upgrades and optimizations, the servers will not be available for 6 hours as scheduled maintenance.

You won't lose emails - you will not be able to send emails.

Thank you for understanding.

Mailbux maintenance Resolved
Priority - Critical Affecting Other - Global


Scheduled maintenance is currently running on Mailbux.

During the hours of 10:00 PM to 3:00 AM UTC+2, Mailbux will not be available. We apologize for the inconvenience.

Thank you for your understanding.

Mailbux.com gain access again after the new update Resolved
Priority - Medium Affecting Other - Global


Many of you are encountering errors when attempting to log in via mailbux.com or the branded URL after the new update. To resolve this issue:

For regular users(using mailbux.com) the easiest way to access it again:

Navigate to mailbux https://mailbux.com, click "Logout" and log in again to the mailboxes, that will solve and fetch the new update.

For branded users(using a custom brand domain):

Navigate to https://securemailway.com once you are there login to the admin@ account and delete the brand config, then navigate to mailbux https://mailbux.com, login to the admin@ account and you will need to create the brand again, here is a quick guide: https://mailwish.com/guides/how-to-re-brand-mailbux-com/ 


Manually clear data if the above steps do not work:

Google Chrome:

1) Open F12(Console log) to open the Developer tools.

2) Click on the Application tab

3) Click Clear Site Data to remove old data

Other browsers:


Please review the following guide https://support.mozilla.org/en-US/kb/clear-cookies-and-site-data-firefox

Internet Explorer:

Please review the following guide https://community.qlik.com/t5/Official-Support-Articles/How-to-Clear-All-Browser-Cache-or-for-specific-site/ta-p/1710298

Android Mobile App(Mailbux): 

Please review the following guide https://mailwish.com/blog/how-to-clear-app-data-on-android/

Server Update Notice - Incoming Issues? Please Read Resolved
Priority - Critical Affecting Server - Arrow Mail Network (Lucy)


Attention all users experiencing incoming email issues:

Please update your MX records to the following settings as soon as possible, as this is affecting the delivery of your incoming emails:


Primary MX Record:

  • Type: MX
  • Hostname: @
  • Point to: mail.mailbux.com or by server name: arrow.mailbux.com
  • Priority: 10
  • TTL: 300 (or the minimum possible)


Secondary MX Record:

  • Type: MX
  • Hostname: @
  • Point to: mail-relay.mailbux.com or by server name: arrow-relay.mailbux.com
  • Priority: 20
  • TTL: 300 (or the minimum possible)


Additionally, we strongly recommend implementing DMARC and DKIM for improved email delivery and security:



Please ensure these changes are made promptly to avoid further disruptions to your email service.

Thank you for your cooperation.



Important Update: Revised Pricing for Our Service Plans Resolved
Priority - High Affecting System - Global

We hope this message finds you well. We are writing to inform you of an update to the pricing of our service plans, effective immediately. Due to a significant increase in demand, particularly from unauthorized users, and in our continuous effort to enhance our network, we find it necessary to adjust our pricing structure.

Here are the details of the new pricing:

  • Standard Plan: Previously $1.95, now $3.95
  • Extended Plan: Previously $3.95, now $7.95
  • Premium Plan: Previously $7.95, now $15.90
  • Premium Plus Plan: Previously $15.90, now $19.99

We understand that price changes can be challenging, but these adjustments are essential to continue providing you with the quality and security you expect from our services.

Thank you for your understanding and continued support. Should you have any questions or need further clarification, please do not hesitate to reach out to our customer service team.

Jill and Lucy maintenance Resolved
Priority - Critical Affecting Server - Arrow Mail Network (Virginia, USA)


Jill's and Lucy's mail server is scheduled for maintenance and upgrade, which we hope to complete in 24 hours.

During these hours, you won't be able to access your service, but incoming emails will still work.

Thank you!

Lucy has been restored 95%. Resolved
Priority - Critical Affecting Server - Arrow Mail Network (Lucy)

Hello everyone,

Lucy is now 95% restored. Most of you will notice the retrieval of your data and the ability to log back into Mailbux.com.

If you observe your data but still cannot log in to Mailbux.com, please open a ticket and let us know.

Restoration is still in progress Resolved
Priority - Critical Affecting Server - Arrow Mail Network (Lucy)

The issue is solved, and restoration is in progress we can't do anything to make it faster. should be complete soon you will see the emails and domains back.

We understand how important emails and communication with your customers are to you. Please note that you won't lose any incoming emails on the days the service is not available for you. Although we thought the issue wouldn't recur, it unexpectedly arose during the server transfer. The engineers have successfully transferred to a new branded server, and the restoration will take some time.

Sorry for the inconvenience.

Restoration in progress - ETA Resolved
Priority - Critical Affecting Server - Arrow Mail Network (Lucy)


Most likely, all restores will be completed by the end of Monday (US/Central). You can start using the accounts once they are restored.

Mailbux is available for the accounts that have already been restored. Please make sure to perform the cache clear using this guide:



Fix in progress Resolved
Priority - Critical Affecting Server - Arrow Mail Network (Lucy)

We are aware of the current status of the Lucy server and have working to resolve the issue. This is a completely new, rebuilt with all new hardware, a server from its predecessor of the same name which failed recently.

The issue should be fixed up in about 12 hours. don't worry you won't lose Inbound emails.

The server is acting similarly to how one might expect it to act if drives were disconnected. Data center staff have already reseated the physical disks with no changes, so we want to consult an expert on the hardware. Thus a hardware expert has been called in to investigate the issue. Sadly it is early in the day on a Saturday, so things have not progressed as quickly as would be desired, but the expert is now on site investigating.

Sorry for the inconvenience; that should not have happened. We understand that you were in conversations with your customers or involved in any other operations when it suddenly stopped. We truly apologize for this. Our engineers are working hard to fix the issue, and it is currently in progress. It will be fixed soon.

Maintenance Resolved
Priority - Critical Affecting Server - Arrow Mail Network (Lucy)


The issue with the Lucy server resembles that of some of it's disks being removed from the server. This is a hardware RAID10 configuration, there shouldn't be any problem here which is fatal. That a completely different server which shared the same name as this one experienced a storage related failure recently is a coincidence worth writing a book about, but there can be absolutely no way that the events are connected.

Should be resolved up to 1 hour

Lucy is online - Next steps Resolved
Priority - Critical Affecting Server - Arrow Mail Network (Lucy)

We're about to set users loose on the Lucy server. Here's what you need to know:

  1. We can't turn on Mailbux tonight, the MySQL versions are incompatible. Use https://webmail.mailwish.net if you need to use webmail.
  2. Your old emails aren't there. They're NOT GONE! Don't worry. The goal was to get you into your accounts so you can start sending/receiving mail. It's going to take longer to get your old emails back in place. It might take a few days, honestly. That's why we didn't want to wait for that to bring it online.
  3. There might be unexpected oddities. Hopefully, they'll be few.
  4. Any email users that can't login should be able to in less than 1 hour. 


Lucy Server - Unexpected Error Resolved
Priority - Critical Affecting Server - Arrow Mail Network (Lucy)

Lucy Server:

Still working on restoring backups.

If you wish to use Jill server until Lucy is back, please open a ticket and we will transfer your service to Jill, however, please note - that the data is not transferred, we will transfer the data to Jill(Email, Domains, other data) once Lucy is back. you will able to use Jill and add your domains/emails in the meantime to keep working with your business.

We have received all the support tickets and simply can't rush the process. please be patient, all the mail systems will be back to operating as soon as possible. 

Jill Mail server is operational as expected.

Network Issues - Lucy Server - Update Resolved
Priority - Critical Affecting Server - Arrow Mail Network (Lucy)


Lucy Server:

Still working on restoring backups. It's not that it isn't working, it's that it's a painfully slow process. We have to talk about that problem later though, the first priority is getting this online. While the backup effort is ongoing, we are still trying some radical things to bring the original server back online. It may be a long shot, but we're not leaving any angle of this on the table. Everything must be tested to bring the best and fastest resolution.

If you wish to use Jill server until Lucy is back, please open a ticket and we will transfer your service to Jill, however, please note - that the data is not transferred, we will transfer the data to Jill(Email, Domains, other data) once Lucy is back. you will able to use Jill and add your domains/emails in the meantime to keep working with your business.

We have received all the support tickets and simply can't rush the process. please be patient, all the mail systems will be back to operating as soon as possible. 

Jill Mail server is operational as expected.

Sorry for the inconvenience.


Network Issues - Update Resolved
Priority - Critical Affecting Server - Arrow Mail Network (Lucy)

As we've continued working on the original Lucy server, we've had ups and downs. At one point we actually got it to ping, but the filesystem quickly went readonly and wouldn't mount again. We're still working on moving backups to a new server, independently of our attempts to repair the original server. An ETA would be irresponsible, there's simply no way to have any kind of estimate right now.

We're still working on this Resolved
Priority - Critical Affecting Server - Arrow Mail Network (Lucy)

We are currently addressing a network issue on our mail server, and our team is actively working to resolve it. Please rest assured that we are taking all necessary measures to minimize any impact on our services.

During this period, we want to reassure you that we have implemented measures to ensure that no incoming emails are missed. Our team is diligently monitoring the situation, and we will keep you updated on the progress.

We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause and appreciate your understanding as we work to restore full functionality.

Thank you for your patience.

Network Issues - Ongoing Resolution Resolved
Priority - High Affecting Server - Arrow Mail Network (Lucy)

We wanted to inform you that we are currently experiencing network issues. Our dedicated team of engineers is actively working to identify and resolve the issue. We understand the impact this may have, and we appreciate your patience as we work towards a swift resolution.

Thank you for your understanding.

UC Technical Departement

Server Status

Below is a real-time overview of our servers where you can check if there's any known issues.

Server Name HTTP SMTP POP3 IMAP Uptime
Arrow Mail Network (Lucy)
Arrow Mail Network (Virginia, USA)
Arrow Second Server
FullSpeed Cloud Network
Mailbux.com Online Online Online Online 100%
MailWish SMTP Online Online Online Online 100%